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Ever Changing Animal Diets

Seasonal Diet Changes

It seems like it was just yesterday when we were all wishing for the warm summer days to arrive.  This has been a very hot summer and all we want now is the Fall cool down - but not the shorter daylight hours!  As the seasons change, we need to make some adjustments to some of the diets we provide our animals. 

Our alpacas and llamas are two species that we pay special attention to during the warmer months.  Originating in South America near the equator where sunshine is plentiful more equally no matter if it’s Winter or Summer, alpacas and llamas get all the sunshine they need to synthesize vitamin D.  But since we reside in North America and the seasons mean longer or shorter exposure to the sunshine, they need a little help which we provide by way of minerals. 

All the camelids enjoy “free-choice” access to minerals all year round but starting in early Spring, we change to a special mineral mix (the same company mixes all the alpaca/llama minerals) that adds electrolytes and a few other beneficial ingredients that help support our llamas and alpacas during the time of year were heat stress is common.  The minerals also encourage water intake which is always beneficial!  Once the heat passes in the Fall, we switch back to the mineral mix that supports shorter sun exposure. 

Another group of animals that have a diet change seasonally are our birds.  Typically, in the Fall but with some variations, the birds will molt their feathers, replacing all the old feathers with new ones.  It takes quite a bit of energy from the birds to regrow their feathers, the complete process can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks. When we see the birds are beginning to molt, we change to a feed that provides just a bit more nutrition and protein to aide them in their feather regrowth.  The birds also get a delicious, nutritious salad every day that includes fruits, veggies and dried mealworms that are packed with protein every day of the year so their nutrition is always top-notch!

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