Need help with an animal?
Below are a collection of Colorado (Front Range) organizations and resources who can help you depending on the types of animals involved and the situation!

Lost dog, cat, or other house pet? If you found a lost pet, please bring them to the local shelter as soon as you can. Owners are more likely to search for their missing pet at the shelter closest to their home, so it is important not to take far from the area where it was found. Below is a list of Denver Metro and Colorado Springs animal shelters.
- Castle Rock; contact DDFL’s Buddy Center
- Colorado Springs / Pikes Peak Region; contact Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
- Denver / Aurora; contact Denver Dumb Friends League
- Denver; contact Colorado Humane Society and SPCA
- Jefferson County; contact Foothills Animal Shelter
- Littleton / Englewood / Centennial; contact Humane Society of the South Platte Valley
Have you witnessed animal abuse or neglect? If you feel like an animal is being abused or neglected, better safe than sorry to report it and let the professionals decide. Do not intervene yourself as you could be putting yourself in harms way. Contact those trained to help at this great link from Colorado Link Project!
Have you found an orphaned or injured animal? Zoology is not able to take in Colorado native wildlife. Below are links to various rehabbers in the region who can help:
- Greenwood Wildlife Rahab: Treats mammals and birds (including waterfowl), located in Longmont, call 303-823-8455
- Colorado Reptile Humane Society: Has knowledge on vets who treat wild reptiles and amphibians, located in Longmont, call 303-776-2070
- Fox Den Wildlife Rehab: Treats mammals, located in larkspur, call 719-481-4499
- Rocky Mountain Wildheart: Treats small mammals, located in Colorado Springs, call 719-460-6455
- Catamount Wildlife Center/Animal Clinic of Woodland Park: Treats mammals, birds and reptiles/amphibians, located in Woodland Park, call 719-687-9406
Are you witnessing a wild animal in distress or causing a danger to people? To find out the nearest Colorado Parks and Wildlife office near you, go to Colorado Parks & Wildlife and find the location nearest you or call 303-297-1192 during business hours. Do not approach the animal as you may be putting yourself or the animal at risk.
Do you own or know of a farm animal or other domestic breed in need of help or re-homing? This is where Zoology Foundation can help. Domestic and farm animals include a wide variety of animals like goats, donkeys, alpaca, pigs, lizards, ferrets, turtles and tortoises, etc. If looking for a home for a pet (like dogs and cats) please refer to the first section regarding pets. To fill out a surrender application please visit the Request Support page. For other help or advice contact us or call us at 303-951-8813.