Enhancing connections to the wild world

At the Zoology Foundation, our mission is to:
Inspire positive connections between people, animals, and the environment through animal interactions and by providing sanctuary to animals.
There are many animals in need of a home. No one knows this better than our founder, Jami Jensen. Jami has always had a love of animals, especially horses. Over the years multiple animals in need of a home found their way to her. In 2009 with the addition of an orphaned camel, Chewbacca, Zoology Foundation was started!
Since then animals have come to ZoFo for many reasons. It may be due to abusive or neglectful owners, a move to somewhere the animal is no longer allowed, financial limitations, or simply because the animal is no longer wanted. As a part of our mission at ZoFo, we want to tell our guests the stories of the animals who live here and how they came to us. As well as how they can help prevent these situations from occurring in their own lives. We hope the stories will inspire guests to share their experience in order to spread knowledge and compassion for animals within their communities.
What We Believe
We believe in providing compassionate and high-quality care for all animals who live at Zoology Foundation.
We believe in being dependable and honest teammates and are not afraid to admit our mistakes.
We believe that high quality animal care means we are always evaluating current policies and techniques to determine if they can be improved.
We believe in taking extra time to build strong relationships with the animals in our care, coworkers, and community members.
We believe in being intentional when making animal care decisions.
We believe in being a collaborative team. This means actively listening to everyone’s opinions and solutions even when they may differ from our own. We also learn from each other by utilizing everyone’s individual knowledge and experience.
We believe in being open and transparent with the community regarding what we do as an organization.
We believe in being supportive coworkers and offering additional help with the workload when needed. When extra help is given, we make an effort to let the helping staff know that it is appreciated and will be reciprocated.
We believe in being responsible stewards of the animals, land, and other natural resources used on Zoology Foundation property.
We believe in sharing our knowledge and experiences with the community.
We believe in giving back to the community and other organizations who are making an impact locally and globally.
We believe in working jointly with our trusted veterinary partners, to ensure appropriate and kind care is given to our animals at all stages of life.